@inproceedings{eswc_wp2, title = "{Optique: OBDA Solution for Big Data}", author = "D. Calvanese and M. Giese and P. Haase and I. Horrocks and T. Hubauer and Y. Ioannidis and E. Jim\'{e}nez-Ruiz and E. Kharlamov and H. Kllapi and J. Kl\"uwer and M. Koubarakis and S. Lamparter and R. M\"oller and C. Neuenstadt and T. Nordtveit and \"O. \"Ozcep and M. Ro\-driguez-Muro and M. Roshchin and Marco Ruzzi and F. Savo and M. Schmidt and A. Soylu and D. Zheleznyakov", year = "2013", booktitle = "Poster track of the Extended Semantic Web Conference", }