Title: Second order B+-trees Abstract: In this talk I will introduce Second Order B+-trees, a structure that improves the performance of B+-tree page operations for large page sizes. We achieve this by organizing the contents of each B+-tree page as a B+-tree too. While such solutions have been proposed before, our approach is novel in that an in-page B+-tree (i) has a fixed number of branches that are always full and completely lack child pointers, and (ii) it has a fixed number of leaves that are always present, are never split or merged and can never be empty. Thus, our structure largely deviates from traditional B+-trees and best fits the characteristics of the in-memory, fixed-size storage space at hand. Additionally, it has been designed with modern cache memory hierarchies in mind, and takes full advantage of their performance characteristics. During the talk I will describe the structure and the algorithms for maintaining it. I will also present experiments that demonstrate that our approach maintains almost constant performance characteristics across a wide range of page sizes, outperforming traditional B+-trees and also surpassing similar, competing approaches.Second order B+-trees Abstract: In this talk I will introduce Second Order B+-trees, a structure that improves the performance of B+-tree page operations for large page sizes. We achieve this by organizing the contents of each B+-tree page as a B+-tree too. While such solutions have been proposed before, our approach is novel in that an in-page B+-tree (i) has a fixed number of branches that are always full and completely lack child pointers, and (ii) it has a fixed number of leaves that are always present, are never split or merged and can never be empty. Thus, our structure largely deviates from traditional B+-trees and best fits the characteristics of the in-memory, fixed-size storage space at hand. Additionally, it has been designed with modern cache memory hierarchies in mind, and takes full advantage of their performance characteristics. During the talk I will describe the structure and the algorithms for maintaining it. I will also present experiments that demonstrate that our approach maintains almost constant performance characteristics across a wide range of page sizes, outperforming traditional B+-trees and also surpassing similar, competing approaches.